Stefanie Deinhardt-Emmer
Career Development:
06/2019: Advanced Clinician Scientist program (IZKF), scholarship, “Alveolar homeostasis and the pathogenesis of viral-bacterial interference”
03/2019: CSCC (BMBF) Rotational position “Effect of influenza A virus/Staphylococcus aureus co-infection on C5aR1/CD45”
11/2018_ Elected Member of the board of directors of the Center for Sepsis Control and Care
01/2018 – 01/2019: CSCC (BMBF) Rotational position “Chemerin-induced regulation of suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) proteins in Influenza virus-host interaction”
2015 – Present: Resident in Medical Microbiology, Institute of Medical Microbiology, Jena University Hospital; Jena
2011 – 2015: Resident, Internship at the Medical Clinics, Vessel Surgery and Haemato- oncology, HELIOS and DRK Berlin