AMR Conference Call for Abstracts

The call for abstracts is now closed. Thank you for submissions.

Call for poster abstracts and applications for the start-up pitch

At the AMR Conference, scientists from research institutions and from companies will have the opportunity to present posters showcasing recent scientific advances in the field of antimicrobial resistance. Requirements for the submission of abstracts can be found below.

In addition, young biotech companies active in the AMR field will have the chance to present at the start-up pitch on the first day of the conference. Applications can be submitted starting on 25 November 2024. For further details, please see below.

poster presentation and startup pitch are kindly hosted by

Call for poster abstracts

The call for poster abstracts is now open

Please send your poster abstract for review to or use the submit button below.

Scope and procedure

We cordially invite scientists from SMEs and academic institutions to submit an abstract for a poster presentation addressing one or more of the following AMR topics:

  • Basic understanding of bacterial infections
  • Novel antibacterial therapies
  • Studies into antibiotic mechanism of action
  • Preclinical development of novel treatments including supporting technologies
  • Novel diagnostics
  • AI approaches
  • Clinical trial designs

Commercial presentations, such as those for CRO services, are not accepted.

Abstract submission

The abstract text may not be longer than a maximum of 350 words. A maximum of one picture, graph or table can be included per abstract. You will receive a confirmation email after submission. Changes in the abstract are not possible after submission. ​​

Participation details

The deadline for abstract submission is 6 January 2025. Abstracts will be reviewed by a scientific committee. The committee will assess abstracts with regard to scientific excellence and relevance and will nominate poster presentations. You will be notified about the outcome of your poster application by mid-January 2025. There is no fee for the poster presentation. The presenting author will get one complimentary full conference ticket. Authors of accepted posters will receive a promo code for the online registration. A jury will select the best three posters during the conference and the authors will be awarded a prize of up to 1’000 Euro


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Apply for startup pitch

Applications can now be submitted

Apply for your chance to pitch at the INCATE startup session at the AMR Conference and potentially win 10’000 Euro.

Scope and procedure

We are looking for translational projects, startups younger than 5 years and with less than 5 million Euro raised. We are open in this competition to all products and technologies that can help in the fight against AMR. This includes therapeutics, platform technologies, diagnostics, vaccines, digital health tools.

Application submission

To apply for the startup pitch you will need to upload a pitch deck and a short video on a separate website, hosted by INCATE. You can reach the website by clicking the button below.

Participation details

The deadline for applications is 6 January 2025.
Applications will be reviewed by an expert panel. The panel will select ten finalists for the startup pitch at the AMR Conference based on originality and commercial potential. You will be notified about the outcome of your application by mid-January 2025. Selected companies will receive one free ticket to the AMR Conference. The startup pitch will take place live on stage on 25 February 2025 at 6 pm. All applicants are eligible for a discounted ticket.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at